Role Playing Games - My Not-So-Secret Passion
Want to get to know who I am? You can start with role-playing games, which have been a lifelong passion. At 14, I joined my first D&D campaign, at 16, I started selling character portraits, and by 18, I was well on my way to an obsession with miniatures. About 15 years ago, I started running my own campaign in my homebrew world. Two of my players have been gaming with me for well over 20 years, and teaching women to play these games is one of my favorite activities.
For most of my life, I wasn’t open about being a gamer. It was a secret hobby that never intersected with my career, for fear of being labeled “not grounded” or “not professional.” Thankfully, that has changed in recent years. I’ve found that being honest about who I am is not only freeing but also enables me to find common ground with many co-workers.
My “Helper”
This is Jezebel. Game nights are one of her favorite nights of the week because she receives LOTS of pets from my players. If she doesn’t get pets, however, it’s bad news for the miniatures. Luckily for my miniatures, and our games in general, all of my gaming crew are ‘cat’ people.